Web Slide Control




Presentation is a limit on the distance.


Is overcome by using a machine. But the costs incurred.


Anyone has at least one machine. Mobile, Tablet, Labtop, Desktop, etc..


Let's use them. I don't have a money, but i'm creative.

User scenario


Using Node.js and WebSocket



- The same language as the server and the client
- I don't know about jsp, php and tomcat config..etc. But I did!


NPM(Node Packaged Modules)

- Any package can be installed by using npm install.
- Add your programs to this index by using npm publish.
- Similar to apt-get.


NPM - socket.io

- WebSocket implementation
- Support to npm install(npm install socket.io)
- Asynchronous communication from client to server
- Communication takes place over single TCP socket using the ws (unsecure) or wss (secure) protocol and can be used by any client or server application.
- WebSocket is currently being standardized by the W3C.
- WebSocket is currently implemented in Firefox 4, Chrome 4, Opera 10.70, and Safari 5.


NPM - express.js

- web application framework for node
- Support to npm install(npm install express)
- Application(app setting, configure, engine, routing, etc..)
- Request(params, query, route, etc..)
- Response(status, redirect, json, etc..)
- Middleware(bodyParser, compress, etc..)

Why use express.js?


Node Server(app.js)

- Server performed on the node.js
--Hosting by heroku

- Serve to resource of client request
-- Web Slide Controller Page
-- webslidecontrol.js

- WebSocket management
- Serve to the command transfer to the client from the controller.


Web Slide Controller Page

- Used Twitter Bootstrap
- Control the slides of the logged user.
- User information used for socket management
- Send slide control command via WebSocket



- Contained jquery and socket.io
- Receive slide control command via WebSocket
- Slide control command has been porting to the each command of slide framework
- Login using the "user" parameter

Improvement points

Move the slide using touch events

- swipe

Improvement for login

- QR Code
- Provide a slide list and check

Support for native slide

- Power point

client ask questions about the slide content

- Provided in the form of question-and-answer Tweet

Thank you

Table of Contents